I have successfully transferred all my previous post from friendster blog to here. I just feel free to do this since the internet connection in my home is way tooooo much better than that in UTP.
In UTP whether it is LAN or wireless, both are useless. I dont know what kind of technology UTP is using despite it's name as being a technology university. Google/gmail/gtalk has been pretty disabled, even to load Yahoo homepage takes years. I hope the management can fix this problem very2 soon, if not, what people has been claiming UTP as being Universiti Tenet Pelan is inarguebly correct.
[Gambar] Kemunculan Gunung Berapi Anak Krakatau Yang Muncul Dari Laut Sejak
Seperti ditulis dari Geo Magz, Majalah Geologi milik Kementerian Energi dan
Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Gunung Anak Krakatau lahir ke permukaan laut
5 years ago
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