I guess today marks a very historic event in the whole hearts of UTP students. This is the first time such a big and brave event ever held in UTP, and may it be the first in Malaysia as well. I would like to give a big applause to the management of UTP and the organizing committee for their hard work on making this event a reality.
Interfaith forum- as the name suggest, is an event combining different faiths/religions brought about to bring understanding and better clarification on religious issues between all races and facades. Considering that there is such riots in the religious issues in the country recently, such event like this is more than welcome to be held.
There are four powerful Interfaith Speakers for this event:
1. Brother Shah Kirit bin Kalkulal Govindji (Muslim), who is the Chief Dakwah Officer in Islamic Information and Services Foundation
2. Dr.M.Bala Tharmalingam (Hindu), who is the Deputy President of Malaysia Hindu Sangam
3. Dr William Lau (Christian), who is the Archdiocesan Ministry of Ecumenical and Inter-Religous Affairs
4. Ir, Kiang Keng Hong (Buddist), who is the Head of Buddist Association in Taiping Perak -no picture
Being one of the thousands audiences attended that night, I garnered a lot of knowledge and i am now self-proclaim myself to be more aware of the differences between religions that has made me more tolerable and respect to the sanctity of other religions. The message is clear; love. With love and respect, such riots will not occur.
As a Moslem who practice the true teaching of the divine Islam, I respect other faiths and never will mock other religions. And also as a true Malaysian living in this multi-racial society, it is an open promise to have mutual understanding upon other faiths and decrees.
May this promise keeps tack in the heart of all Malaysian.
[Gambar] Kemunculan Gunung Berapi Anak Krakatau Yang Muncul Dari Laut Sejak
Seperti ditulis dari Geo Magz, Majalah Geologi milik Kementerian Energi dan
Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Gunung Anak Krakatau lahir ke permukaan laut
6 years ago
salam.uiks.tulisan cina mana plak ni? hahaha..encik adli, anda fhm ke apa yg ditulis di atas? hehehe...btw, hang ada komen kat penulisan2u di cerpen DIARI AMAR, WARKAH AISYAH kan? hahahahaha...mujur aku cam nama BILLYNAIN.... btw, silalah ke blog2 aku yg len jika ada kelapangan utk membaca cerpen dan novel yg lain2..... ;) -najah ariff
oh, lupa plak.dh follow hang. ;)
ouh..yes, aku tau tu mmg karya hang. n bukan tu saja, byk lg karya hg yg aku follow, novel2 dan cerpen2 tu. wah hg ni makin hebat noo..novelis dah skrg.insyaAllah aku pn akan post jugak dua tiga karya aku sikit hari lagi.hhuhu
lorh.hang tau dr sapa? hahahaha..yan kot.aku habaq kat yan, ada la dua-tiga org lg yg tau.hahahahaha.......cet..follow senyap2 ja no....hahahha..anyway, thanks for the following.hahaha
aku tau dari Pak Lah...lg pun sblm Pak Lah habaq kat aku pn aku dh lama tau...kt penulisan2u tu byk karya hg kan..hahaha kenai sgt la dgn nama anarif tu...skrg Najah Hyun Jae..dah jd Korea plak dah..heh
muahaha.pak lah tau ka? aku x tau plak aku ada gtau kat dia.mana dia tau? hahahaha. mana taknya, aku je kot anarif dlm dunia ni.hehehehe.... saja ja nk feel buh nama korea.heheheehehe
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