You guys hear that, i'm back !!! Hahaha
the still not much different UTP
I never thought i will do this again, and yet i still dont believe that i actually still doing this. I talk about bogging lho...If you look my previous posts, you will find that the last post was somewhere in June 2009 and that is 8 past months already! If were to be a pregnant woman, i should be delivering my baby already. Haha damn!
Well, now that i'm back in the scorching hot UTP, still trying hard (?) to revert back to the student life. I'm a final year student now.
Does that sound cool? Hmm...
-sekarang ni dh jrg2 jemaah dkt masjid/surau
[Gambar] Kemunculan Gunung Berapi Anak Krakatau Yang Muncul Dari Laut Sejak
Seperti ditulis dari Geo Magz, Majalah Geologi milik Kementerian Energi dan
Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Gunung Anak Krakatau lahir ke permukaan laut
5 years ago
welcome back!!!!
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